
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sperm Types

In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
Assalamualaykum Warah-matullaahi Wa-barakaatuhu
We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response follows hereunder:
There are three types of fluids that emit from the private parts besides urine.
  1. Mani-Sperm: A white thick fluid which emits at the time of ejaculation.
  2. Mazi-Pre-coital fluid: A clear thin fluid which emits due to sexual arousement.
  3. Wadi-Liquid that precedes urine.
Ghusl will become Fardh due to the emission of Mani.
Ghusl will not become Fardh due to the emission of Mazi and Wadi only Wudhu will have to be made.

The wetness you perceived is most likely Mazi. If the amount of Mazi is lesser then 3 centimeters in diameter, the Salaah will be valid but Makrooh. The soiled portion of the garment should be washed.
 (خروج المني ) وهو ماء أبيض ثخين ينكسر الذكر بخروجه يشبه رائحة الطلع.
 (حاشية على مراقي الفلاح شرح نور الإيضاح، دار الكتب العلميه، ص96)
وهذه النواقض للغسل ... إنزال المني فيى اليقظة أو في النوم.
(نهاية المراد،دار البيروني، ص190)
(Bahisti Zewar, Zam Zam Publishers,Vol 2, Pg 67)
ولا يجب الغسل من خروج مذي وودي.   
(نهاية المراد،دار البيروني، ص194)
أجمع العلماء على أنه لا يجب الغسل بخروج المذي والودي.

(حاشية على مراقي الفلاح شرح نور الإيضاح، دار الكتب العلميه، ص101
(Bahisti Zewar, Zam Zam Publishers,Vol 2, Pg 57-65)
(Bahisti Zewar, Zam Zam Publishers,Vol 2, Pg 41)
Allah Knows Best.
Walaykumus Salaam
Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed (Ghufirallahuma)

·        Taken from with a slight adjustment.

Ijma and Qiyas

Salaams, Please assist me with an explanation to the following.

1. What are the implications of Universal and Local ijma?

2. What is the legal basis of Qiyas?

3. Examples of three cases settled by Qiyas.

4 One example of the application of Ijma

JazaakAllah. May Allah Reward you for all your efforts. Ameen

In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
Assalamualaykum Warah-matullaahi Wa-barakaatuhu
We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response follows hereunder:
1.     The universal consensus of the scholars of the Muslim community as a whole can be regarded as conclusive Ijma’ as lay down by Ulama of Usul and is binding by early Usuliyeen (scholars of Usul i.e principles of Islamic jurisprudence).
The first time, Ijma’ occurred among the Sahabis, companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wassallam). Unanimity of Ulama on an issue of a particular time is a requirement of Ijma’. However Ijma’ initially is to bring unity of Ummah in some matters and enhances the authority of the rule. Ijma’ will also be regarded to be an absolute proof in Shari’ah, to go against an absolute proof of Shari’ah could be of great threat for our Imaan.
2.     Examples of Ijma’ are:
       i.          The second of Jummah.
     ii.          Compilation of the Qura’an in a single manuscript.
   iii.          Prohibition of Muta’

  1. Technically, qiyas is the addition of a Shari'ah value from an original case, or asl,, because the latter has the same efficient root as the former. The original case is regulated by a given text, and qiyas seeks to extend the same textual ruling to the new case. Recourse to analogy is only warranted if the solutions of new cases are not covered by the nusus (Qur'an & Sunnah) or a definite ijma`; otherwise it would be vain to resort to qiyas if the new case could be resolved under a ruling of the existing law.
  2. A simple example of qiyas is the ruling of all intoxicants being haraam. In the Holy Quran, Allah Ta’ala orders us to refrain from khamar (wine, alcoholic drinks). So it would clearly appear that the reason for the prohibition is because of the intoxicating effect. Therefore, although not particularly mentioned in the Qura’an and Hadith, all other things which have an intoxicating effect (such as drugs etc.) will be deemed haraam as well due to the verse which prohibits khamar.
 (Tasheel Usul-ul-Shashi, P. 168, Idaratul Quran)
Allah Ta’ala knows Best.
Walaykumus Salaam
Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed (Ghufirallahuma)

I have a boil under my arm.....

I have a boil under my arm. If I remain as normal, the blood does not ooze out of the boil. However, if I lift my arm up, I don’t know how come, but somehow this is a means of pressure being applied to the boil and thus the blood flows out. Likewise, if I do strenuous work, which involves the moving about of my arms, the blood oozes. I know the Masla that if you have a boil or wound and if you squeeze it and blood flows out then you must think to yourself that had you not squeezed it then blood would not have come out then in that case your Wuzu won’t break, so my question is can i regard the lifting up of my arm and my doing of strenuous work to be in place of squeezing? In other words, if I lift my arm up and blood flows out, I won’t regard my Wuzu to be broken because I know that force was applied to the boil and that why blood came out. Am I correct?? This same thing happened last night, so i didn’t renew my Wuzu, and in that condition i lead the congregation in Tarawih and Witr prayer.

In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
Assalamualaykum Warah-matullaahi Wa-barakaatuhu
We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response follows hereunder:
If a pimple (which is in your case a boil) bursts and the blood flows out onto the skin, the Wudhu will be nullified and you will have to renew the Wudhu [1]. Hence by you not renewing your Wudhu, neither the Taraweeh nor the Witr were correct.
In that case you will have to inform the Muqtadis to make Qadha (substitute) of their Witr on that particular day by elucidating the cause. As for the Taraweeh there is no Qadha.
[1] (Nūrul Idhāh, Pg.35, Qadīmi)
(Bahisti Zewar, Vol.1, Pg.54, Zam Zam)


  • Note that some questions have been deleted due to the system failure.

In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
Assalamualaykum Warah-matullaahi Wa-barakaatuhu
We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response follows hereunder:
He who trims his beard is an open Faasiq and should not lead Salaah, however if ones perform Salaah behind such Faasiq, his Salaah will be valid with karaahat.
Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Walaykumus Salaam
Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed (Ghufirallahuma)

If one has had an abortion and truly regrets.....

 If one has had an abortion and truly regrets this and wants to expiate the sin, from when are the 120 days calculated of the fetus, do you rely on the dating scan? If so what is the expiation required?
Thank you.
In the name of Allah, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful
Assalamualaykum Warah-matullaahi Wa-barakaatuhu
We acknowledge receipt of your query and our response follows hereunder:
Nothing compared to Allah’s encompassing mercy, the door to repentance is wide open, and Allah Ta’ala showers His sinful servants who turn penitent to Him, with His Forgiveness.
It is never too late for a true Muslim to repent to Allah, and to shed tears for the wrong doing he has committed, keeping in mind that if one manages to escape the punishment of this world, he/she will not for sure escape the punishment of Allah Ta’ala in the Hereafter.

Allah Ta’ala says: "Say: 'O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Don’t despair of Allah’s mercy: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Az-Zumar Ayah53)
Moreover He also says: "Allah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (An-Nisaa Ayah 17)

Coming back to your query, the answer is that 120 days of the foetus will be counted from the day of conception, however it is to be stated that Islam forbids abortion in all stages of pregnancy.  
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
Walaykumus Salaam
Mohammad Ashhad Bin Saeed (Ghufirallahuma)